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72 600$ CAD / 52 838$ USD

  • # d'équipement d'Agricole Idéal: 1266088
  • Endroit: Vankleek Hill, Ontario

front mower w/Alpha motion Novacat 512 rear butterfly combo,34ft,1000 PTO,excellent condition,local machine

(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)

Howes Farm Equipment , Vankleek Hill, Ontario

Contactez le concessionnaire pour le prix

  • # d'équipement d'Agricole Idéal: 1167062
  • Endroit: Embro, Ontario

Pottinger NOVACAT 301 Disc Mower ALPHA MOTION Front mounted mowers. Best adaptation to any ground contour – a bold claim. ALPHA MOTION – our straight answer. What counts is a neat and tidy mowing pattern and the best forage for your livestock. Our NOVACAT ALPHA MOTION front mowers tick all the boxes. Smaller fields with bumps or large areas where you want to accelerate: you will always leave a neatly mown crop behind you, laying the foundation for quality forage. The NOVACAT ALPHA MOTION models are available with working widths of 2.62 m / 3.04 m / 3.46 m. The best forage quality is the basis for your success. High yield livestock need a high quality basic ration. Ruminants are fussy about their forage. The quality of their basic ration will determine whether your animals consume the forage in high quantities, or not. In addition to energy content, digestibility, odour and taste, a low crude ash content plays a decisive role. What they like most is basic ration that is clean and tasty. The amount of concentrates used can be reduced. This cuts forage costs while at the same time improving animal health. Healthy livestock reward you with higher fertility, a longer useful life and, crucially, higher milk and meat yields. The bottom line is that you benefit from clean, high quality forage with more profit from your farm business. The basis for high quality forage. The foundation stone for high quality basic ration is laid by clean harvesting technology.

(Texte en français disponible uniquement lorsque fourni par le concessionnaire.)

Knoops Farm Service Inc , Embro, Ontario