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Image pour U.S., Mexico spar over water treaty as drought fears rise

The Western Producer

U.S., Mexico spar over water treaty as drought fears rise

REUTERS — Texas farm groups warn of a disastrous season ahead for citrus and sugar as Mexican and U.S. officials try to resolve a dispute over a decades-old water treaty that supplies U.S. farmers with critical irrigation. The neighbouring countries have tussled over the 1944 treaty before, but the current drought-driven water shortages are the...

Image pour U.S. shuns free trade agreements


U.S. shuns free trade agreements

Virginia Houston, director of government affairs with the American Soybean Association, says president Joe Biden’s administration feels FTAs pit U.S. domestic industries against one another.

Image pour Global soybean glut could pressure canola prices

The Western Producer

Global soybean glut could pressure canola prices

SASKATOON — The world will be awash in soybeans in 2024-25, and that could be an anchor on canola prices, say analysts. The International Grains Council is forecasting 75.4 million tonnes of global soybean carryout, excluding China. Related stories: Potential seen for soybean expansion in Western Canada USDA, Conab widely differ on Brazil soybeans That...

Image pour Comment: Sovereignty is sovereignty

Manitoba Co-operator

Comment: Sovereignty is sovereignty

In solidarity with Mexico, today (April 8) 31 Canadian organizations including the National Farmers Union stated their objection to Canada’s role in a trade challenge initiated by the United States under the Canada-US-Mexico trade agreement, which aims to end Mexico’s restrictions on the use of genetically modified corn for certain foods. Corn, also known as...

Image pour When do EEFs make agronomic sense?

The Western Producer

When do EEFs make agronomic sense?

This is the third story of a four-part series on enhanced efficiency fertilizer.
 Links to other stories in this series are below. There may be an opportunity to increase or preserve yields with enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEF), but farmer adoption remains low in Canada. The reasons could be inconsistent results, the wrong sales pitch or...

Image pour Looking abroad for some extra help on the farm

The Western Producer

Looking abroad for some extra help on the farm

Farm labour is in short supply across Canada, and one solution could be finding skilled workers from farms overseas. Anita Warriner, executive director of A-Way to Work International Rural Exchange, made an urgent call for host farms at the SaskOrganic’s Advanced Organics conference in Saskatoon on March 27. Two programs provide opportunities for Canadian farmers....