Tri-Sha Equipment - Teddy Bear

Nos localités

Mount Forest

7340 Sideroad 5 East
Mount Forest, Ontario
N0G 2L0
Voir la carte

Tél: (519) 321-8555

À propos de nous

Tri-Sha equipment / Field Master: We are the Manufacture / Distributor / Wholesalers for Field Master Fluffers & Rake.

Tri-Sha equipment also sells used Balers and Conditioners.

Also we supply parts and repair Balers and Conditioners - most makes and models.

Tri-Sha Equipment represents, sells and installs "The Juice Hay Preserver" from Nuhn Forage.

Contenu personalisé


Produits principaux

Martin Farm Wagons


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New Holland 72 Lance-balles Usagé
# AgDealer 1024914
Endroit: Elmira Mount Forest Ontario

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New Holland Sales & Service & Parts most makes Faucheuse à disques Usagé
# AgDealer 878949
Endroit: Elmira Mount Forest Ontario
Service now before you really need it. Complete cutterbar and gearbox rebuilding on NH, Case JD, MF, Hesston High Quailty parts AVAIL. Service available on used Balers in our shop, making them work almost like new and last longer .... Call for details

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New Holland H7450 Faucheuse-conditionneuse à disques Usagé
# AgDealer 1257139
Endroit: Elmira Mount Forest Ontario
13' cutting width, drawbar swivel,
rubber rolls, excellent

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New Holland H7450 Faucheuse-conditionneuse à disques Usagé
# AgDealer 1257138
Endroit: Elmira Mount Forest Ontario
13' cutting width, 2pth, rubber rolls, draw
bar swivel

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New Holland 1431 Faucheuse-conditionneuse à disques Usagé VENDU
# AgDealer 1273811
Endroit: Elmira Mount Forest Ontario
13' cutting width, 2pth, rubber rolls

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Nuhn Nuhn Forage - Prime -Hay Conditionneur à foin Neuf
# AgDealer 823726
Endroit: Elmira Mount Forest Ontario
How the process works: Reduced Heating - Heating is the result of two basic factors: plant respiration and aerobic bacteria. By rapidly reducing the pH of the silage Prime-Hay halts plant cell respiration. Prime-Hay also substantially limits the growth of aerobic bacte

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Nuhn Nuhn Forage - The Juice Conditionneur à foin Neuf
# AgDealer 764359
Endroit: Elmira Mount Forest Ontario
The Juice Delivers. The Juice is a modern Buffered Propionic & Citric Acid preservative. Propionic Acid is the workhorse ingredient that is a research proven mould inhibitor. Citric Acid is known for its ability to maintain green colour and freshness within the forage

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Field Master TEDDY BEAR F108 éffilocheuse à foin Neuf NOUVEAU
# AgDealer 1260764
Endroit: Elmira Mount Forest Ontario
9', six tine arms per reel, 84 tines per reel,
PTO, Call for more details

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Field Master TEDDY BEAR F90 éffilocheuse à foin Neuf NOUVEAU
# AgDealer 1260766
Endroit: Elmira Mount Forest Ontario
7.5', six tine arms per reel, 72 tines per
reel, PTO, Call for more details

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*Les prix peuvent être estimés à l'aide d'un taux d'échange, ce qui ne constitue pas une offre de vente.
Veuillez consulter le vendeur au moment de l'achat pour le taux en cours et les montants.

Notre dernière annonce

April (ONT170-ATL)